Perches:4.5 Rooms:4 Washrooms: 3 Parking available Location: wellampitiya area Price: 20…
Price Rs20,000,000
Show DetailsPerches:4.5 Rooms:4 Washrooms: 3 Parking available Location: wellampitiya area Price: 20…
5 perches Fully tiled Roller gate 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms 2 kitchens…
Thunnana, Hanwella 42.5 perch land 4 bed rooms 1 bath room dining…
Perches: 9.75 Location: wellampitiya area Price: 13 lakhs per perch
Location: Megoda kolonnawa wellampitiya Perches:6 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Parking available (Main…
Location Walampitiya Near Foodcity Commercial land 9.2 prch land Road facing 27…
20 perch Main road facing Close to all the supermarket 495 lakh…
Location :- Mirihana, Nugegoda 7.5 perch 3 stories including roof top 20ft…
( Located Hill Street ) 10 perch 04 bedrooms 03 bathrooms pantry/…